Thursday 2 January 2014

New Years Resolutions 2014

So, as I mentioned, I have made a whopping full page full of new years they are!

1. Write and finish my fiction novel- I have wanted to write a book for some time now, however, I've never been sure what it was exactly that I would write about. Until now, I have realised that the best thing to write about, would be something that you have experienced and/or you are passionate this space!

2. Read at least ONE book every month. 

3. a) Learn how to run properly! b) Complete 1/2 Marathon - This will be a huge achievement for me as I've never been able to walk/run any kind of long distance and my first achievement was completing the Race for Life with my mum last year...that was 5k, so a 1/2 marathon is going to require some serious preparation!

4. This leads me on to my next goal... To complete 10k Race for Life!

5. Help others - This has a few secondary goals to it, a) Give Blood b) Become a donor c) Give to charity monthly.

6. Train hard at the gym!

7. Eat Healthily - a)Drink 2 litres of water daily b) NO dairy & NO bread - Bread makes me horribly bloated and feeling lethargic and many people can react badly to dairy and I'm one of them (just to clarify, not intolerant!) I have however decided to not be so strict with myself as when I did my lifestyle challenge last year because my massive craving for sweets and chocolate completely take control of me after about 3/4 weeks so I start to introduce it slowly and end up splashing out....then it goes downhill from there! so I'm allowing myself some give and take :)

8. Go on holidays! - Me and Dan (my partner) have decided that we are going to America for 2 weeks. A 1 week holiday somewhere else and at least 3 weekend breaks. This will hopefully break up our year from working after last year when we had a holiday in May and then nothing for the rest of the year.

9. Save money - a) For our many holidays b) for counselling course c) and for future in general. SAVE SAVE SAVE!

10. Do more fun things with Dan - We realised that we really don't do enough fun things. a) Do something every month that makes us laugh i.e. comedy show, funny film etc. b) Do more outside during the summer/nicer weather (we always moan that there's nothing to do in the winter when its wet or cold so we've decided to make the most of the summer weather when we do have it) c) Go to a festival (This is the main goal I'd say would seem very extroverted) But I feel that we need to push the boat out a little bit every now and then because I've wanted to go to a festival for so long, and so has he but we will allow ourselves the option of getting away from it all by not throwing ourselves into the centre of the crowd/mosh pits...we will enjoy it from a slightly outer prospective.

11. Look after myself more - a) Get a haircut and a manicure once every two months b) Wear less make up & get a skin care routine to look after it more c) get 6-8 sleep every night d)Go to bed earlier & wake up earlier. e) Go for early morning walks/runs (when i learn)

12. See friends once a week

13. See Dan's family more including, his Dad & sister, Grandma & Grandad.

14. Do something fun and exciting for New Years Eve 2014 - We havn't ever actually done anything fun for new years eve so this's happening!

15. Write out a (fake) cheque to myself with the amount of money that I want to have and stick it on to my wall. I believe that if I look at it and believe it will be mine...then it will!

16. That then leads on to creating my wish board of all the things that I want in my life - If you want to know the in depth reason behind this, read The Secret - Rhonda will change your life!

17. Continue to support Dan on everything that he wants in life.

I hope you've all made your new years resolutions!

If you're an introvert, make sure your goals are suited to you're personality and temperament.
Dream Big! And be Happy! :)

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